Magnetic resonance imaging is used to study the skull, spine, spinal cord, musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

Are there no preparation steps?

Mammogram in Fair Lawn, NJ is preferable that patients fast on solid foods at the time of the examination, but the indications vary according to the type of examination.

Who can take the exam?

Patients with pacemakers or devices with magnetic activation such as electrodes and neurostimulators , and those with ferromagnetic prostheses or those whose compatibility with magnetic fields cannot undergo this type of examination . If there are doubts about the presence in the body of metal parts (sutures, clips, prostheses), the patient must inform the medical and paramedical staff, who will be able to arrange the preliminary execution of radiograms that allow to verify their actual presence.

Is open MRI painful or dangerous?

The examination is neither painful nor dangerous. Compared to other visualization methods, magnetic resonance has several advantages: the possibility of obtaining sections with various orientations (sagittal, transverse, etc.), almost zero invasiveness and no use of ionizing radiation.

How does it work?

Magnetic resonance imaging is performed without the use of x-rays : a strong magnetic field and radiofrequency waves similar to those of radio-television transmissions are used. The test may require the administration of a contrast agent (gadolinium) into a vein.

The Open Magnetic Resonance consists of a low-field magnet that was created for the study of musculoskeletal pathology with the aim of containing the purchase, installation and maintenance costs which are considerably lower than traditional Magnetic Resonance. high field closed.

The main limitations of low-field Open Magnetic Resonance derive from the structural characteristics of these devices which have a low signal / noise ratio which determines images of modest quality.

In these devices, in order to improve the quality of the images, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the section under examination, which reduces the possibility of detecting fine findings and therefore making accurate diagnoses and increasing the number of acquisitions, which inevitably increases the execution time of the examinations.

Furthermore, with low-field magnetic resonances it is not possible to use sophisticated techniques such as spectroscopy, perfusion, diffusion and fat subtraction techniques which are now indispensable in clinical practice in most body areas. These techniques require a high field, homogeneous with powerful gradient systems that open low field luminaires cannot have by definition.